Tag: Small Press Love

She Said Destroy #1

She Said Destroy is an ambitious new take on the Celtic Gods of old. Re-introducing the modern world to the likes of The Morrigan, Brigid, and the knowledge of all those of whom they once shared the planet with. When I mention Celtic Gods you may be imagining nomadic tribes clad in medieval armor, with […]

Metalshark Bro GN

Holy Metal Shark Bite, Batman! When Kevin Cuffe hit me up over Twitter to check out Metalshark Bro from him, Bob Frantz, and Walter Ostlie, I had no friggin’ idea what I was in for! And that, my friends? Made this insanely enjoyable because of that. Well… That, and the fact this was practically balls […]


As someone who recently started getting into WoW, I felt a real connection with this book as the whole thing felt as if it I could take place within the world of Azeroth. It doesn’t, but it’s very much that high fantasy swords and sorcery style which is nothing original, but it’s a genre I […]

Shexie Meiren #3

[SPOILERS!!] Issue #3 finishes out this first little mini arc in a timely fashion. Literally. As the story plays out like one of those scenes in a movie where the bounty hunter is trying to find their prey during a bit event and it all comes down to the very last second. It’s exactly that, […]

These Savage Shores #4

Hot damn, man, what a freaking issue! Ram V continues to impress with his writing and I am all in for it. The inner struggles, the troubles of war, and many a surprise through out this 4th issue. The one at the end of the book being especially heartbreaking for Bishan. And chances are, if […]

Prey For Us #1

What we have here is a little tale mixed up of Sci-Fi and Horror known as Prey For Us! Two things that can either mix really well or really bad depending on who’s mixing it. Matt Garvey doesn’t bother with an origin story that takes up half of this first issue and that’s pretty nice. […]