Category: Reviews

Beyond Real #1

[Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead!] An old idea, a refreshing new take. That’s how I would describe Beyond Real upon reading the first issue. It’s been hotly debated, theorized and explored for decades now that perhaps humanity are only ghosts inside a machine, code written to perform for an unknowing god, living inside a simulation to […]

Skeeters #1

[Warning: SPOILERS AHEAD!] Skeeters is off a to a strong start in this opening issue as we’re introduced to members of what I presume will be the main cast, a wayward sheriff longing for entertainment in her sleepy town; a security officer trying to keep the monsters at bay; and two bumbling exterminators that find […]

HorrorWeen 2023

The Three Best Indie Horror Comix  Halloween 2023 by Heretic Its the Spookiest month of the year and with Halloween just mere days away, the good man and Co-Founder of IndieComiX known as the Heretic decided to drop by to talk about some Spooktacular tales! THE BEST OF THARG’S TERROR TALES 2000 AD Creative Team: […]