Tag: Small Press Love

A May 19th Catchup!

Sometimes, there just isn’t enough time in the day or the night for that matter to really dive into reviewing this and that. Especially if you have a big reading pile that keeps on expanding for one reason or another and that’s why I’m gonna try the James Blundell approach (though he’s unlikely to be […]

Samurai Grandpa Volume 1

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or in the case of the elderly, maybe about 10. But in the case of former Samurai Ojichan, he doesn’t really have that problem as even for his age, he’s still quite spry! And for him, his journey starts when […]

Kaiju Of The Sword

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead Holy Hellballs has it been sometime since the 7th issue came out and ended with that cliffhanger! But my oh my was the wait worth it to see the follow up to its end! Way back in issue 5, Scott introduced the group known as the Red Spears and some trouble […]

Pantomine #4

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead Its been a bit since the first issue of Pantomine came out and the story has moved right along, continuing to be enjoyable and a little wide eyed shocking here and there. Not to mention the creative team remaining the same as the story goes along. Issue three saw Haley, Max, […]