With the arrival of the 4th and final issue of Bylines In Blood back in April and me of course taking my sweet ol’ time in getting to reading it, comes the fact that issue 4 is also the final issue in the storyline. And I have to say I greatly enjoyed this 4 issue […]
Category: Reviews
Potions Inc. #1 – (Advanced Review!)
Six Days Of Violence
Burger #1
All The Devils Are Here – (Updated Review)
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood
Magic Powder #1
When I started to read Magic Powder I started to gradually feel reminded of the Will Smith/Netflix film ‘Bright’ that came out a few years ago. That reminder became pretty strong by the end of my read of the first issue and its mainly because like with Bright, this is a story featuring Fantasy characters […]
Happy Hill #1
If there’s anything Life and Comics (especially ComixTribe’s Sink) has taught me over the years is that I shouldn’t take things at first sight. That I should take extra notice of things and people and that lesson certainly applies here in the first issue of Happy Hill. Even if you have known someone for years […]
Bylines In Blood #1
Adventure N’ Barbarism
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead As fate would have it, I managed to come across Rick Flash & The Adventurenauts on Twitter without meaning too. But you know what? I’m glad it happened because this book was an incredibly fun and even goofy read from start to finish. RFTA is essentially an inspired 1950s style Science […]