Great horror films and drama thrillers come in many different varieties. Some are “in your face” and some are more subtle in their approach to the viewing audience. The big bad guy or antagonist can be tangible or like in the famous Blair Witch Project, semi tangible. But sometimes we have the intangible, the unseen, […]
Tag: Small Press Love
Deadly Burlesque – (One Shot)
Who done it? The classic theme and or question of any thrilling murder mystery. In 2019 alone there was at least 4 major motion pictures released all incorporating this very theme. Law and Order (and all it’s variations) is on almost every cable channel running all day long. If you are a fan of Dick […]
Backtrack #1
Automobiles have been a Human fascination since the existence of the very first Prehistoric Wheel. We love cars, and that is an undisputed fact. Now you don’t have to be a “Gear Head” to fully appreciate them, it could be a simple name, color, or look that peeks your individual intrigue. Men and women alike […]
Sentient – Graphic Novel
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead! To my knowledge, TKO Studios started to come on to the scene in the world of Indie Comics more and more last year. Though I primarily saw this on Twitter so my knowledge may not be that great. But when an opportunity to check out several new releases in Trade/Graphic Novel […]
Savage Quin
The Valiant Comics Introspective: Curtain Call (Originally Ran On 7/13/2015)
Ogres #2
Warning: Potential Spoilers ahead When we last left off with things in the Ogre-Verse, things weren’t going so well as we were given witness to how things were going for other characters in the Ogre-Verse as war and death swept across the land with inevitable change in its wake. Whether or not that’s change for […]
Pathway #1
Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening and hereditary disease that affects roughly 30,000 people in the US with 1000’s more diagnosed every year. Its a condition that currently still has no cure but thanks to the advancement of medical knowledge over the years, those affected by it are capable of reaching their 30’s, 40’s, and […]
Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia #’s 1 – 5
The success and longevity of anything in the world of Entertainment is based solely on having the ability to grab your audience, hook them in, keep them guessing, and leave them always wanting more. With the proper combination of captivating characters, and having a profound story that steps out from the crowd, you can achieve […]