Tag: Indie Comics

The Least We Can Do #1

The team behind the Image Comics miniseries A Thing Called Truth, Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Romboli, are back with a brand new offering. The Least We Can Do heads to dystopian London to answer the age-old question, ‘What if you put The Hunger Games, X-Men and Final Fantasy 7 in a big bowl, and then […]

Fame Runs Skin Deep…

AMPUTATION CAPITAL Celebrity skin is currency in this all-new series, now live on GlobalComix JUNE 9, 2022 (SEATTLE, WA) — Fame runs skin deep, with a fine price to pay. GlobalComix and UK-based publisher, TPub Comics, are proud to announce Amputation Capital; the all-new dystopian five-issue limited series written by co-creators Raymond Tyler (The Battle […]

The Final Frontier

From the depths of Space to the many Planets in the Cosmos, these are the voyages of those Comic Books that awesomely leave Earth and its Atmosphere to explore the tales of Space and its Planets. This… This is the Final Frontier. And now that I’m done paraphrasing or what have you from a certain […]

Fabled Four #1

The Fabled Four is a unique concept for a very special comic book story. As in many comic books, you have heroes and the adventures they must embark upon. However in this particular story, the “adventure” these heroes seek is actually by choice rather than force. Yes, that’s right, these heroes made their own decision […]