He’s not just a letterer, but also a writer as well and today Toben Racicot comes to the Mind Meld to talk about his upcoming project, Pilgrim’s Dirge! 1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those who may not be aware of you and what it is you do, […]
Category: Indie Mind Meld
Mind Meld With Jeff Haas Of 123 GO! Publishing!
Mind Meld With Phoebe A. Xavier Of 123 GO! Publishing!
Mind Meld With Paul Carroll Of Limit Break Comics!
From the land of the Irish comes Dublin’s own Paul Carroll of Limit Break Comics to discuss Limit Break, the Turning Roads Kickstarter, the Pandemic, and Irish Based Comics! So come join the fun! 1. Hello there! And welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those who may not be aware of you, […]
Mind Meld With Jarred Lujan Of Mad Cave Studios!
Protect ya neck! Because Mad Cave/Dry Foot’s own Jarred Lujan pops in to answer some questions! From Dry Foot itself to the Wu-Tang Clan! 1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those not familiar with you and your work, could you tell us about yourself? My name is Jarred […]
Mind Meld With Hollow Girl’s Luke Cooper!
He’s been writing intense works such as Hollow Girl, Figments, and been involved with a number of other projects over the years. And now, Luke Cooper is bringing to the world AloneNotLonely, a tale of a young introvert named Alex living in a Post Apocalyptic world. With that said, I had the opportunity to sit […]