Category: Indie Mind Meld

Mind Meld With Fell Hound!

She’s a Ringo nominated Illustrator and Writer with a love for Sword Women and Sharing the Pain equally with everyone else. She’s also a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ Community, she is… Fell Hound! And the latest to join the Mind Meld! 1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For […]

Mind Meld With Stu Perrins!

1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those who may not be aware of you and what it is you do, could you tell us a bit about yourself? Howdy, I’m Stu Perrins, and I’m the writer and co-creator of such books as Megatomic Battle Rabbit, Brightside and Chrono-Cat. […]