Since 2021, co-founders Tim Stolinski and Chris Benamati have been chugging along like the Little Engine That Could with their Indie Publisher known as Band of Bards, aka BoB. Putting out 15 books such as Coins Of Judas, Final Gambit, Working Class Wizards, and American Dreams in a short amount of time with a fantastic […]
Category: Reviews
The Vicious Vixens Of Dakuwanga #1
[Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead!] Vicious Vixens is a spin-off of the Shark of War series also by Ben Lacy, immediately establishing itself as set in the same world within its first few pages. However, you do not need to have read anything prior in order to understand the events of this story as everything is […]
All Talk – Graphic Novel
Immortalis – Volume 1 (Advanced Review!)
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead! When Don’t Hide PR sent along the email for Rion Mosley and Shawn Lewis’ Immortalis, the summary for it caught my attention and I decided to check it out and even reach out about an interview to Rion and Shawn. As Old Gods, Heaven, Hell, Prophecies, Beliefs, and a young woman […]
Beyond Real #1
[Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead!] An old idea, a refreshing new take. That’s how I would describe Beyond Real upon reading the first issue. It’s been hotly debated, theorized and explored for decades now that perhaps humanity are only ghosts inside a machine, code written to perform for an unknowing god, living inside a simulation to […]
Skeeters #1
[Warning: SPOILERS AHEAD!] Skeeters is off a to a strong start in this opening issue as we’re introduced to members of what I presume will be the main cast, a wayward sheriff longing for entertainment in her sleepy town; a security officer trying to keep the monsters at bay; and two bumbling exterminators that find […]
Deer Editor #1 – (Advanced Review!)
When Frank Silva emailed me about the first issue of Deer Editor (due out in January and was a successful Kickstarter project) the first thing I thought to myself is that ‘wow, this sounds ridiculous. I gotta read it.’ and said as much to Frank. Flash forward several days later and after reading this first […]
Hunt. Kill. Repeat – TPB – (Advanced Review!)
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead As you all may remember, I covered the first issue of this trade last year towards the end of December, and now, here we are once again talking about this book. And pretty much towards close to the end of the year as well. Interestingly enough to keep going with the […]
HorrorWeen 2023
The Three Best Indie Horror Comix Halloween 2023 by Heretic Its the Spookiest month of the year and with Halloween just mere days away, the good man and Co-Founder of IndieComiX known as the Heretic decided to drop by to talk about some Spooktacular tales! THE BEST OF THARG’S TERROR TALES 2000 AD Creative Team: […]
RDW: A Tale Of Lost Fantasy Volume 1
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead So recently, I remembered I had this book in my Review Folder and after remembering how it got there, I got to reading this offering from Marco Rudy. RDW came out last year and even had a successful Kickstarter run as well for that matter. And I have to say, the […]