Category: Indie Mind Meld

Mind Meld With Nathan Kelly!

Sometimes, a second chance is all you need get something done when the first attempt doesn’t exactly work out. And Source Point Press/Drexler’s Nathan Kelly knows a little something about that! So grab a chair and join me and Nathan as he discusses all things Drexler and his Kickstarter experiences where Drexler is concerned! 1. […]

Mind Meld With DragonMasters’ Carlos Farias!

One Man Show: Carlos Farias Releases DragonMasters Through Wicked Comics Carlos Farias is the creator, writer and artist of the recently released DragonMasters #1. DragonMasters is the third title he’s self-published through his company, Wicked Comics. It was a pleasure to talk with Carlos about his inspiration for DragonMasters, character design and worldbuilding, the struggles […]

Mind Meld With Frank Martin!

1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those who may not know of you and your respective works, could you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m an author and comic writer. I’ve written several novels and a trade for my main comic series, Modern Testament, was recently funded […]

Mind Meld With Jeff Martin!

Since 2013 (2009 actually!) Jeff Martin has been creating the world of ‘Hockeypocalypse’. A world that mixes Hockey, Canada, and Postapocalyptic madness into one sitting! And with his recent Kickstarter for his fourth graphic novel in the series known as ‘Cult of Hockey‘, a little sit down with Jeff was needed to pick his mind […]