Well folks, 2024 is pretty much at its end with 2025 about to begin and I’m finally doing this idea I’ve long had in mind but never got around to until now for one reason or another. Its almost like that whole State of the Union thing but more fun/cool/awesome sauce instead. The Indies […]
Tag: Luke Cooper
Pumpernickel – (Graphic Novel, Updated Review)
Back in May, Luke Cooper put out his latest title in the form of the Graphic Novel known as Pumpernickel. Which is the story of Rebecca ‘Pumpernickel’ Turner, who is something of a miracle baby for her parents. Only, the truth is she’s a Changeling who was switched at birth with the real Rebecca Turner […]
Mind Meld With Hollow Girl’s Luke Cooper!
He’s been writing intense works such as Hollow Girl, Figments, and been involved with a number of other projects over the years. And now, Luke Cooper is bringing to the world AloneNotLonely, a tale of a young introvert named Alex living in a Post Apocalyptic world. With that said, I had the opportunity to sit […]
First off, I will say right off the bat that I am ABSOLUTELY loving the red/blue/black color scheme this latest offering from Luke Cooper has within its pages. Its just absolutely fantastic and gives off a great vibe of living in a Post Apocalyptic world filled with horrific Lovecraft styled monsters. AloneNotLonely features our young […]
Mind Meld With Frank Martin!
1. Hello there, and welcome to the Mind Meld here at IndieComiX! For those who may not know of you and your respective works, could you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m an author and comic writer. I’ve written several novels and a trade for my main comic series, Modern Testament, was recently funded […]
Hollow Girl – (Originally Ran On 5/19/2015)
I was intrigued about Hollow Girl the moment I set eyes on those first preview pages from Luke Cooper. The story of a young girl who years earlier, killed both her Parents, a psychotic killer with no emotional responses, she has become a vessel for the dead, exacting retribution upon the most loathsome of predators […]