That Holiday Cheer Regardless of whether or not you like it, the simple fact of the matter is that the Holidays are here. We’ve just passed good ol’ Thanksgiving and the month of November and we’re now in December and we all know what that entails. Christmas being one such example. Another? Schools being out […]
Tag: movies
El Chicano
Warning: Potential Spoilers! ‘Our streets, our fight, our hero’, the tagline of the movie known as ‘El Chicano’! A movie being billed as the first Latino/Latina Superhero movie and something Hollywood passed on. But we’ll get back to that in a little bit. When I first saw this movie at the Wal-Mart I work for, […]
No One is Above the Law of RoboCop
The Pop Culture Phenomenon Returns with A New Series in April 2018 BOOM! Studios today announced ROBOCOP: CITIZENS ARREST, an all-new comic book series premiering in April 2018. Visionary writer Brian Wood (DMZ, Briggs Land) and fan-favorite artist Jorge Coelho (Venom) present a chilling view of the future where justice is crowdsourced, set 30 years […]