Tag: Band of Bards

That Holiday Cheer

That Holiday Cheer Regardless of whether or not you like it, the simple fact of the matter is that the Holidays are here. We’ve just passed good ol’ Thanksgiving and the month of November and we’re now in December and we all know what that entails. Christmas being one such example. Another? Schools being out […]

Find cosmic comic love in Amongst the Stars an anthology from Band of Bards

Amongst the Stars, a sci-fi romance anthology launches on Kickstarter this Valentine’s Day Feb. 7, 2023, (BUFFALO, NY) — Band of Bards is proud to announce their first Kickstarter of 2023, Amongst the Stars, a romance in space anthology that will bring you to gladiatorial arenas, space stations, hair salons, and alien planets. You’ll meet mercenaries, assassins, astronauts, and unknowable beings. […]

Its Time To Take A Gamble

Throw your hand and Kickstart… Full House or Royal Flush, it’s all about a chance for survival Aug. 4, 2021, (TAOS, NM) — Band of Bards is proud to announce its debut release, Final Gamble, a dark social commentary about the grip of predatory society, created and written by Bobby Singer (Flame Angel, Paul) with […]