Pan-Universal Galactic Worldwide (PUG-W) Presents Its Inaugural OGN SIGNA

PUG-W (Pan-Universal Galactic Worldwide) proudly unveils SIGNA, its inaugural graphic novel Kickstarter project. What better way to kick off this exciting venture than with a creation from PUG-W’s very own editor-in-chief, John Barber and longtime collaborator Andrew Lee Griffith. The book’s kickstarter campaign showcases a 48-page exclusive hardcover edition of the first chapter of the […]

Beyond Real #1

[Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead!] An old idea, a refreshing new take. That’s how I would describe Beyond Real upon reading the first issue. It’s been hotly debated, theorized and explored for decades now that perhaps humanity are only ghosts inside a machine, code written to perform for an unknowing god, living inside a simulation to […]