Akogun: Brutalizer Of Gods #3

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead

I was very curious to see how Murewa and Dotun were going to handle the ending of what looks to be the first arc in their series thanks to what’s possibly a clue at the end. Especially as there is a lot of jam packed story telling in this title and only 3 issues to do it all in. And if I may dare say, the lovely and very deadly Anaya seems like a match made for Akogun due to how brutal both can be. Though where Akogun’s brutality serves a purpose, Anaya’s doesn’t. As its more to keep the men in line so they don’t get any thoughts of betrayal but you would think though that its counterproductive to take out some of your own men but I guess that’s not something she or Ogun really cares about. And perhaps said match would be one perfect for Hell instead of Heaven given Anaya’s ways. But given what she did to our boy’s people, there wouldn’t be a drop of love that in that match, that’s for damn sure! Dotun and Dee don’t hold back on the brutality or the sexual themes and I appreciate that as it means they aren’t treating this with kid gloves.

Granted, they haven’t held back for the entire series but its something I still want to comment on as it deserves to be remarked on.

The fact Akogun makes use of a rather large 4 legged friend he makes to his advantage speaks of his tactical prowess instead of just continually one-manning it is something I really love. It shows he’s not wasting a means to aide his cause like you might see elsewhere given one perhaps not wanting to do an obvious thing for whatever reason. Now if you’re offended by man vs. woman fight scenes, this story will not be for you. But if you’re not, then this story is for you. And by the end of this, we finally get to see Obatala’s plan in action after thousands of years much to the long fallen Ogun’s dismay, showing that he’s definitely got some major amounts of patience! Which is a good thing to have for sure and a virtue according to some! Though what disappoints me about this… Is that the story essentially ends on a cliffhanger and there’s no telling how long it’ll be before we see any kind of aftermath (if any as anything can happen) for one reason or another.

Which makes me feel this would have been better if it would’ve had at least one more issue to wrap up any lingering details. But perhaps we’ll get that in the future if that potential clue at the very end is anything to go by. I’ve also got a question or two. Like what is the final fate of Akogun himself? Will we see him again? Or is his purpose finally at an end now that Obatala’s long term scheme is finally at its end where Ogun is concerned?

Plus, if Orunmila is something of a Seer, is he going to try and avert the coming problems Obatala set in motion so long ago? Or will he let it all happen due to something he knows will happen in the aftermath? Hmm… Maybe I oughta ask Murewa and Dotun themselves! Or wait and see to find out! With that said… If you have yet to do so, grab a copy of this series wherever comics are sold or even on the Oni Press website itself! I know I’m looking forward to when the trade comes out as its definitely gonna be going on my shelf!

Akogun: Brutalizer Of Gods #3
Oni Press
Writer: Murewa Ayodele
Artist: Dotun Akande
Colorist: Dee Cunniffe
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Reviewer: Rob Wrecks

Summary: Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande (I Am Iron Man, Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood) have concocted a rage-fueled tale of vengeance! The disgraced Ogun now lives as a god-king amongst the desert people as they continue their heinous human sacrifices to restore him to glory.

But Akogun wages a one-man war against their stronghold and his intent: murder every warrior and the god they serve or die trying! Don’t miss the powerful final issue!

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