In their dark corner of the world of Comics, Ryan and Mike have been steadily building their world of Miskatonic High, where Lovecraft meets the Breakfast Club. And now, the duo have made it to 25 issues and to celebrate this occasion, I got the chance to speak with the two about this landmark and […]
Tag: Independent Comic Books
Mind Meld With Matt Garvey!
Lujan Killa Bees Y’all!
He’s a two time Ringo nominated writer, a 2019 Mad Cave Talent Search winner, an inaugural member of the DC Milestone Initiative in 2022, he’s been awarded the Professor Latinx Outstanding Emerging Comic Creator Award, and one of the winners of the Comic Book Yeti’s ICE awards in 2023. Who is this you’re wondering to […]
Mind Meld With Anas Abdulhak!
Straight from Damascus, Syria comes Anas Abdulhak and his who/howdunit revenge comedy known as Kill My Boyfriend! Currently on Kickstarter! So with that said, let’s get down to business with a little Q and A! 1. Hello there! And welcome to the Mind Meld! For those who may not be familiar with you and your […]