After an ungodly amount of hours, poured in over who-knows-how-many months, you made a comic book. Well done! You should be proud of yourself.
Unfortunately, your job can’t stop there. You now have the daunting task of getting the word out about it. One way you can do that is by getting your comic reviewed. Read on, you beautiful stranger, and I’ll tell you how you can do just that.
Assuming you self-published, or your comic was made by a small-press publisher, you may have to do more heavy lifting when it comes to getting your comic reviewed. Luckily, there are people and websites devoted to reviewing indie comics, like yours. I’ll list a few at the end of this article.
Usually, you can simply send them a tweet or an email asking them if they would like to review your comic. Most of the time, they’ll say yes!
It’s that simple.
Often, the files are pretty large, so creators will host them on Google Drive or Dropbox and send a link. That works just fine for us. (However, you’ll want to make sure to limit their access so they can’t delete them by mistake!)
And don’t worry too much about selling your comic. You want to talk confidently about it, but this isn’t a pitch. Let the work speak for itself.
*Pipedream Comics also has great review guidelines if you’re looking for a second opinion or a simpler list.
If they don’t respond, don’t lose hope. Most of us review comics on top of our day jobs and everything else going on in our lives. If you have the time to spare, give it a week, then try reaching out again if you still haven’t heard anything.
Sometimes, silence is a way declining the opportunity and avoiding conflict. It’s not great, but it can be difficult to tell someone that the project that they spent so much time on isn’t to a quality that they would recommend to others.
There are so many comics out there, a lot of reviewers prefer to review comics we would recommend to others instead of spending time writing a negative review.
Other reviewers may be honest and give you feedback. It’s up to you to decide to take their notes or leave them. Just because someone’s a critic, it doesn’t mean they’re an expert, and it doesn’t make them right.
Sometimes, we get stuff wrong. A detail like an issue number, the spelling of a name…it’s unfortunate, but it happens. A lot of us don’t have editors. And you can feel free to correct us on that. But opinions or how we understood something aren’t a matter of ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect.’ While knowing your creative intent is helpful to understanding the comic, other readers may not have the luxury of your explanation, and that interpretation is what we must base our reviews on.
However, if the review displeases you, starting an argument or throwing a tantrum with the reviewer will not look good on you. And only serves to make you look unprofessional. – Rob Wrecks
When you’re asking a critic to review your comic, there are things that help us do our job. At bare minimum, we need to see the comic, and we need to know who the creative team is. But if you truly want to take advantage of the review, you’ll utilize more than a few of the checklist items below:
Your comic
The full creative team and their roles
Especially if not listed in the comic itself
Ex: Matt Ligeti – Writer, Creator, Comic Book Yeti
Your elevator pitch
One or two sentences about the comic
More detailed information about the comic
Where the story is going
What it’s about overall
What comics or other popular media it’s similar to
When it will be released
What it will cost
If there are past issues to read and links for those
Any awards it’s won or been nominated for
The press release for the comic, if it had one
Trigger warnings for the comic
Some readers and reviewers need a content warning for sensitive subject matter
Learn more about what kind of content needs a warning from the Geek Feminism Wiki
Got a webcomic?
Pick a day/entry as the final one for your reviewer, like the end of a story arc. It makes it easier to review a story when there’s an ending of some kind, and helps define what part of the comic was critiqued for anyone reading the review later on.
Your deadline
If you have a Kickstarter running or your comic hits shelves by a certain date and you want the review out before then, tell us!
Many of us review many comics at a time, and deadlines help us prioritize
Where people can buy it
Is it digital only?
Can they order a print edition, or do they have to ask their LCS?
Does it have a Diamond Code?
A .jpg of the comic’s cover
Approved image(s) to show interior art
Any videos or other PR-worthy media
Information about the creative team
What other projects each person may want to plug
Is this anyone’s first comic they’ve made?
Is this someone’s first time acting as writer, editor, letterer, etc?
Were you or your collaborators inspired by any media while making this comic?
Do they work a day job? What is it?
Are there other fun facts, like someone once won the lottery, or something?
Who reviewers should contact for interviews or more information
Twitter handles or other contact information
Reviews are great, but what do you do with them?
Well, if it’s a good review, shout about it from the rooftops…proverbially speaking, of course. Get on social media, and share, retweet, repost, reblog. If you don’t have a website, consider making one, and collecting your reviews there, like a dragon hoarding shiny gold. Pull quotes from it and use them wherever you can to show others your comic is worthwhile.
If the review isn’t so good? Learn from your mistakes. Creators rarely get worse with practice. Quote the good parts, so long as it’s not out of context.
Either way, keep in touch with reviewers! They can be a good resource to have.
Looking for other critics to review your comic? Here are some reviewers who will check out your work, along with their websites and Twitter handles.
Matt Ligeti, The Comic Book Yeti – – @ComicBookYeti
David Lyons ––– @LyonsdenCS
IndieComix – – @Indie_ComiX
The Valkyries – – @valkyriesblog
Dave Stewart – – @DStewartsTweets
Pipedream Comics – – @pipedreamcomics
Sirens of Sequentials – – @SSequentials
The Pullbox – – @ThePullbox
Will Nevin – @willnevin – ComicsXF
A Place to Hang Your Cape – – @AP2HYC
The Modern Gafa – – @TheModernGafa
Johnny Hughes – – @johnnyhughes70
Comic Art Festival Podcast – – @ComicArtFestPod
Ciara Hemsworth – @CiaraCobb – FandemoniumNetwork
Christa Harader – KCComics – @cabbagecomics
Anthony Pollock – Soda & Telepaths – @SodaTelepaths
Robbie Billups – Pop Culture Philosophers – @TheRockinRobbie
Dustin Grey – Sirens of Sequentials and Regina Community Radio – @JustDrawnRadio
Anthony Composto – Monkeys Fighting Robots – @The_Great_Ace
Jake Palermo – Gutternaut – @JacobDPalermo
Jonathan Pilley – Omnicomic – @omnicomic
Samantha Maybe – SANDBOX – @SamanthaMaybe
Joshua Bermont – freelance – @JoshuaBermont
Reading With A Flight Ring – – @ReadFlightRing