Hexes: Four Breaths – (One-Shot)

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead

I have to say that despite reading the summary for this 28 pager that had a successful funding last year on Backerkit, it still didn’t prepare me for what Simon Birks had in mind for this emotion driven tale. The idea of one’s life being defined by 4 significant breaths through out life is something I’m fairly certain I hadn’t heard of before but its something I find myself liking a lot of. The concept is something we see get explained by leading lady Barbara, a rather stand up gal from the sounds of it. Unfortunately however, Barbara’s on her way to the hospital via ambulance but even more unfortunate is the detour the trip unexpectedly takes that surprisingly, she has a good attitude over despite the situation. And nicely enough, allows her to make a new friend in Timothy, the Paramedic who is also stuck in the same situation as her thanks to the accidental detour the ambulance took.

I honestly thought Simon did a great job in how he handles their reactions to their situation and Majory Yokomizo’s watercolor like art just helps you feel the emotion through out this book. That, and the characterizations makes me feel like I’d enjoy having Tim and Barbara as friends. Both of these two have experienced tragedy in their lives and for Barbara, cancer seems to have a habit of cropping up in her life where two of her loved ones are concerned. And I could see that giving her some strong issues where cancer’s concerned since it took two very significant people from her. The fact Barbara knows she’s at the end of her Walk of Life also may help to explain why she’s not as worried about being trapped in an ambulance with someone she barely knows.

But is willing to teach Timothy about the 4 Breaths as told to her by her mother when she’d been a girl. The first being of course when you come into this world with the second being wonder, that moment when you realize there’s so much more to the world then you ever realized. And honestly? I can get behind it. The third breath is sorrow, something we all inevitably experience as there’s no real way around it. The final being the gift for others, which I suppose in one sense could be like the concept of paying it forward. Or in the words of Barbara’s mother, the last breath being given so that one can lead a happy life. Like I mentioned earlier, this 4 Breaths concept is new to me and Simon does such a great job in essentially simplifying it instead of making it complicated.

Which… Really wouldn’t help a young girl that’s about to lose her mother as it is when learning of the whole concept. There’s also a sort of Supernatural element to this entire thing too and it happens after the 4 Breaths and the last final breath that Simon basically leaves ambiguous as a force of some sorts that comes for the individual. Allowing for us readers to come to any conclusion as to what it is. Is it Angels? Demons? Or something else entirely? Only Simon truly knows and he’s not talking! This is all something we see Barbara share with Timothy, even if she had originally wanted to do so with the love of her life but life it seemed had other plans in mind.

The fact our boy Tim is willing to listen to her says a lot about him and perhaps he was just ready for something like the 4 Breaths concept and didn’t realize it. And in a sense, helps him cope with his own tragic loss. The way Simon ends this story is fantastic yet sad at the same time and I have to say I’m glad I got a chance to read this beautifully done book.

Even if it did take me awhile. And as Simon explained to me some time ago, each Hexes story is a stand alone tale but do all occur in their own shared universe. Which works as it means you won’t have to do a lot of back tracking in order to be caught up. Simon also mentioned to me that Hexes: Four Breaths will be included in a third collected volume with 3 other stories and despite not having read the other stories, I’d buy the 3rd volume just for Four Breaths alone. I’m very curious to see what Simon has in mind next for Hexes and if it’ll feature Timothy or other characters. Though if his creative team involves Rob Jones and Majory Yokomizo, then heck to the yeah on that!

Editor’s Note: While it doesn’t appear there’s a direct link to where you can buy a print or digital copy of H4B on its own, you can find the first two volumes right here. It should also be noted that next week will see the launch of Blue Fox’s newest Kickstarter; Hexes Comic Double-Bill: Pareidolia & Four Breaths! So be sure to sign up to be notified of its official launch so you can get an early start on your pledge!

Hexes: Four Breaths – (One-Shot)
Blue Fox Comics
Story by: Simon Birks
Art and Colors by: Majory Yokomizo
Letters: Rob Jones
Reviewer: Rob Wrecks

Summary: When the ambulance carrying Barbara overturns on the way to the hospital, she explains to the paramedic, Tim, why her final breath is so important.