Blu Lullaby – TPB

To start off with, my only regret with this book from Chad Perkins and Andrea Montano is that I didn’t read it much sooner. Like way back in 2022 sooner but as the saying goes… Better late than never. So… What do you get when you mix the Horror, Crime, and Detective genres into one thing? Well… You get Blu Lullaby, that’s what! A title that was formerly of Action Lab until it was thankfully freed up and gotten a new home at Markosia. Which, in my view, is the UK’s version of the Big 2 with 2000 AD along side it. Now normally, the thought of the legendary monster under the bed trope is enough to scare children and or inspire all manner of stories to tell in whatever format. Though we’ve occasionally seen that trope turned upside down with things like Monsters Inc. and now with Blu Lullaby in the form of a Rat-Rabbit by the name of Blu. Who, to be honest, I just wouldn’t want to be alone with given how terrifying he looks. But considering I’m not the type of person he goes after, I’m in the free and clear.

As the sort he goes after are the real monsters of the world. The type that goes after children to do any manner of horrible things and ol’ Blu brings down his wrath on them as they rightfully deserve.

Bringing peace, relief, and justice to kids. But readers will have to be careful when reading this title given it can be triggering. Especially for those who experienced certain kinds of trauma as a child, much like Blu’s human partner, Winter did. Whose relationship with Blu is one I enjoy, not only because of what they do to protect kids as Detectives for the supernatural agency known as Safety Blanket, but between one another thanks to their bond. Though how long they’ve known one another is anyone’s guess aside from Chad and I am also curious as to what led to Blu going from terror under the bed to protector under the bed. Something that has potential to be explored in the future if Chad hasn’t already done so since 2022.

Now, after helping out a young girl in a troubling situation where her so called father is concerned, you would think our dynamic duo would get a breather but that’s not the case. As these two get assigned to a new town at a school called Dreamstart Middle Schoool, where kids are going missing and if anyone can find out what happened to them, its Winter and Blu!

And while some may not think Andrea’s art style fits the tone of this story, I think it does. Especially given the bloody violence that’s seen here and the fact that nudity is nowhere to be found in this story either is a nice touch considering its usually to be found in Horror themed material. Granted, given the subject matter, its just not something that’s needed at all. And as we readers go alongside Winter and Blu in discovering what’s happening with the kids, we also also get to see that Winter’s not the only one running around with a monster friend. But like with Blu, that fella’s not someone I’d want to be alone with but at least there’s more safety with Blu than Meathead.

This story also serves as an unfortunate reminder that evil deeds can be performed by anyone, no matter the age and one can only hope that Sam can get the help she needs to deal with the trauma she was forced to endure that no child should ever have to go through.

I’m curious to see where Chad and Andrea take things next, especially given that it seems rest isn’t about to come for Winter and Blu just yet. I also liked the little shout out to David Pepose’s Spencer & Locke that’s seen in this story as that was fun to see. And I imagine that whatever Chad and Andrea have in store next, won’t be all that easy to stomach either.

Blu Lullaby is available in Kindle or Print format right here!

Blu Lullaby – TPB
Story by: Chad Perkins
Art and Colors by: Andrea Montano
Editor: Rodolfo Martinez
Reviewed by: Rob Wrecks

Summary: After saving a child from an abusive father, detectives of the supernatural organization known as Safety Blanket; Winter and her partner Blu, a rat-rabbit and monster under the bed, head back to their office to celebrate another victory. However, not moments later they are given a knew case; solve a series of child kidnappings and disappearances. But as they dig deeper into the only lead, they have; Dreamstart Middle School, things become twisted in turned upside down, leaving Winter and Blu in for a nasty wake up call.

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