Chaos! In Comics! Soooo St. Patrick’s Day has come and I thought it’d be great to do a write up to help celebrate the holiday. Though more so focused on Comic Books that are rather chaotic for one reason or another and the whole thing only perhaps really making any sense in my head but […]
From March To June: Upcoming Titles!
Avery Hill Publishing Second Shift by Kit Anderson Out 5th June 2025 140 pages, paperback, full colour throughout, 160 x 220mm Birdie Doran’s life on the station is the same routine every day… until she starts finding secrets in this science fiction graphic novel. From the time when the station wakes her up, Birdie Doran […]
Mind Meld With Miskatonic High’s Ryan Mendoza & Mike Shea!
In their dark corner of the world of Comics, Ryan and Mike have been steadily building their world of Miskatonic High, where Lovecraft meets the Breakfast Club. And now, the duo have made it to 25 issues and to celebrate this occasion, I got the chance to speak with the two about this landmark and […]
Mind Meld With Matt Garvey!
Hexes: Four Breaths – (One-Shot)
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead I have to say that despite reading the summary for this 28 pager that had a successful funding last year on Backerkit, it still didn’t prepare me for what Simon Birks had in mind for this emotion driven tale. The idea of one’s life being defined by 4 significant breaths through […]
Mind Meld With Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Ramboli!
Just what do you get when you combine two awesome ladies to create comics and do up some mighty fine representation in the LGBTQ+ Community? You get the likes of Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Ramboli, that’s what! So join us as we talk about You Never Heard Of Me, Midnight Radio, and more! 1. Hello […]
That Holiday Cheer
That Holiday Cheer Regardless of whether or not you like it, the simple fact of the matter is that the Holidays are here. We’ve just passed good ol’ Thanksgiving and the month of November and we’re now in December and we all know what that entails. Christmas being one such example. Another? Schools being out […]
Mind Meld With Cory Crater!
Tectiv: Noirtopia Vol. 1 – Advanced Review
Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead Typically when it comes to Post-Apocalyptic stories, you tend to see certain things with them; struggles to survive, new forms of society, all that jazz. But you don’t typically see Detective Noir themes in Post-Apocalyptic stories unless I’ve just not been paying enough attention. But Mad Cave’s Maverick imprint is doing […]